To support them in exploring, expressing and honouring their emotions

The emotions workshop for young people will provide your son or daughter with a map of how to recognise the birth of an emotion, how to invite the emotion in and connect, explore, and express it, so they treat it honourably. They will experience ways of learning from the emotion, what is it wanting them to know about themselves? They will gain insights and claim the gift of the emotions visit. The map will lay the foundations of a way of being with emotions that honours them and the wisdom they hold.

Alongside this, the workshop will normalise that as humans there are many ways we can be with emotions, we can react to them and express them in unhelpful ways or push them down as we can feel shame at feeling them. Your son and daughter will be guided on how they can use the map to support them if they do react in unhelpful ways, and this is the beauty of emotions, they guide us to learn more about ourselves, our needs, our values and how to treat ourselves and others with compassion and kindness.

 This workshop will provide a beautiful beginning to your son or daughters life-long relationship with their emotions. In terms of the age range, many young people start to feel emotions more intensely during puberty and adolescents, a time of much transition. You know your child intimately, so trust your intuition as a guide for when you feel the time is right for your child. Please feel free to call me to discuss.

 If you feel you would  like to be able to support your son or daughter with their emotions, please consider the adult emotions workshop which follows the same map. Alternatively, I am happy to run a young person  and parent workshop where you come together for the day. Please contact me if you would like to explore this option.

Next Course

Date – Saturday 27th August 2022

Time – 9:30am to 5:30pm

Location – Scotland Island

Investment – $130

Maximum – 6

Content – Poetry, Art, Movement, Story Writing, Mask Work & Nature Connection

Includes – transport to and from Scotland Island from Church Point, snacks for morning and afternoon tea and art materials