Transpersonal art therapist, counsellor, teacher, group facilitator and traditional healer.


It has been my life-long journey to end up here, offering myself as a guide/mentor to walk alongside others on their life-journey. My life-journey has had many twists and turns, challenges, obstacles, both in my outer and inner world. The web of all my life experiences to date makes perfect sense to me now. I have been collecting the skills, tools, experiences, and knowledge needed to walk alongside others as they too gain the tools to heal themselves.

When I was plunged into the depths of darkness, I found the beauty of Transpersonal and Shamanic work. Unlike anything I had experienced before, I was given maps so I knew where I was on my journey, where I was heading and what tools I could use to support me.  I developed a much deeper connected to myself, and started to form stronger relationships with my physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual self. This connection brought a deep knowing of not being alone on my journey, I was supported by something bigger than myself. A greater acceptance of all parts of myself grew, alongside the compassion and kindness I had for myself and others. It has been and continues to be a journey of reconnecting, reclaiming parts of myself, healing, feeling more alive and freer to be my unique authentic self. 

I have experienced deeply the power of Transpersonal and Shamanic work to find the unique gifts with in each of us, that the world so desperately needs us to claim and share with our families and communities. 

This really speaks to me.

‘Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?’

A line from Mary Oliver’s poem ‘The Summers Day’

In this place, at this time, I know sharing the transformational power of Transpersonal and Shamanic work is exactly what I plan to do with my wild and precious life. It feels like it was always meant to be.

My Career/Life Experiences:

  • A Teacher. 
  • Welfare Worker with young people and their families. 
  • Immigrated to Australia.
  • Child Protection Caseworker
  • Domestic Violence Counsellor 
  • A mother of two children
  • Birthed Apple Tree Wholeness
  • Facilitating Transpersonal Art Therapy groups in a psychiatric hospital.  
  • Facilitating Rites of Passage workshops
  • Teaching ‘Certificate of Shamanism and Transformational Mask’
  • Assessor at College of Complementary Medicine for the ‘Advanced Diploma of Transpersonal Art’ 
  • Art Therapist for Spiritual Emergence/Emergency Clients.


BA.Education (Christchurch College, Kent University, UK)

Graduate Diploma of Counselling (Australian College of Applied Psychology)

Leadership and Expressive Arts in Groupwork (College of Complementary Medicine)

Adv. Dip Transpersonal Art Therapy (College of Complementary Medicine)

Certificate in Shamanism and Transformational Mask (Circalore – Creative Shamanism)

Diploma in Mask and Traditional Healing (Circalore – Creative Shamanism)

Certificate IV in Training and Assessment

How to Effectively Support Someone in Spiritual Emergency (IMHU)